Bible Study & Prayer Book Study
Bible Study On Sunday mornings throughout the school year adults of the parish gather at 9:45 in the parish house parlor for religious education and lively discussions on various topics. Past topics have included a liturgical study of The Book of Common Prayer, Bible studies on various books of the Bible, and discussions of the history and development of the Church.
Prayer Book Study Group on Thursdays at Noon: The Prayer Book Study Group meets Thursdays at Noon in the Holy Trinity parlor. All are welcome to join in the lively discussion as we delve deeply into the contents of our Prayer Book. Hope to see you all then!
Godly Play and Youth Fellowship Group
Sunday School at Holy Trinity: Sunday school is held during the 11:00 am service for children age 4 - 10. We will be following the Godly Play guidelines as well as Bible stories from the current lectionary when age appropriate. If you have questions contact: Sharon Parker at 757-999-7720 or Godly Play approach to Christian education for children helps them explore faith through story. Bible stories are acted out with props which engage the children in active participation in the process while teaching them religious language and concepts. Based on Montessori principles, the leader encourages the children by asking open ended questions without leading into prescribed answers. This approach invites the child to develop their relationship with God based on their experience as they attempt to put themselves in the story and answer the questions this stimulates.
Community Christian Youth Fellowship 2022-2023: Community Christian Youth Fellowship (CCYF) is a partnership youth program with NMPC, MSUMC, Holy Trinity and the Hispanic community. It's for 6-12 graders. We will have another year of friendships, faith, fellowship, and future leader formation. We need to hear from you so we can prepare for the meeting. Please respond to
makers Group and Card Making Class
Makers Group: The Makers Group will meet on the second and fourth Saturdays from 1:30 to 5 pm in the Parish Hall.
Please come prepared to make what you already make or with your ideas for what you might want to learn from another person in the group. Bring your own beverage and snack or something to share if you’d like.
This is a very casual, program-less, come-as-you-are gathering. All are welcome! Questions to Patti Ann Sherrock or Mary Hunt.
Card Making Class: Our next Card Making Class has been set for Saturday, February 18th, from 1:30 to 5:00pm. We would love to have you join us. We're a friendly group, who are learning as we go...nothing fancy here. We will be meeting in the Parish Hall.
Teaser: For one of the cards this month, you will learn how to use an embossing folder. After you have embossed the front of your card, Patti Ann will show you at least two methods of colorizing your design.
The cost of the class is $15.00. This is to cover the cost of the materials. Any questions, please contact Patti Ann Sherrock.
Vacation Bible School 2022
This year 29 children participated with enthusiasm in learning songs, Bible stories, making crafts, and playing games. We thank Rev. Heidi Bak (Market Street Methodist Church), Rev. Monica Gould (Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Linda Scholer (Holy Trinity Episcopal Church) for their guidance in creating this wonderful learning experience for all involved. Click on the following links for some joyful singing: here, here, and here.
Holy Trinity Church, Market Street United Methodist Church and Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church jointly host an ecumenical Vacation Bible School each summer. This week-long themed program provides religious education through games, music, physical education, science and skits. All children ages 4-12 are welcome to attend. There is no charge for the program and lunch is served daily.