Holy Trinity’s approach to outreach is grounded in our response to Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 25:
“… for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me… Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
The parishioners of Holy Trinity Church are committed to outreach as an integral part of their mission. For example, the Parish Hall is made available for some community groups to meet, we also make monetary donations, collect food and goods such as school supplies, and we help individuals in crisis from the discretionary fund. Parishioners are engaged in a variety of hands-on outreach projects in order to help and support those in need.
Foodbank of the Eastern Shore
We collect food for the Foodbank and Dos Santos Food Pantry of St. Georges.
Coffee Houses
Six years ago Holy Trinity began an outreach ministry of hosting coffee houses. The coffee house invites musicians to perform. Each coffee house benefits a local organization by the audience contributing a monetary offering. The community is invited to come enjoy music, fellowship and food prepared by church members. These events extend hospitality to the community while recognizing and supporting local organizations through the musical talent offered by members of the community.
SPCA/ Blessing of the Pets
On the Sunday closest to the celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Trinity offers a Blessing of the Pets to the members of the church and community. Offerings are accepted to benefit the SPCA of the Eastern Shore.
AA/ Al Anon
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church of Onancock has welcomed AA fellowship groups for over 30 years.
AA meetings
Tuesday 7:30 p.m.- Day by Day
Saturday 12:00 noon -Step Meeting- Joy of Living Group
Saturday 7:30 p.m.- Saturday Night Live Group
Al-Anon meetings
Monday 5:00 p.m.- Step Meeting
Saturday 12:00 noon- How It Works
Accomack Interfaith Community Council
Accomack Interfaith Community Council provides financial assistance for a variety of purposes to low-income individuals and families through a consortium of volunteers, churches, and civic organizations in Accomack County. Holy Trinity is part of a group of churches that worships together during Lent. At that time, the church service donations are contributed to AICC.
Flowers donated for the altar are delivered each Monday following Sunday services to shut-ins and others in need of support and caring. Contact Judy Shields 787-5633 if you would like to help with this outreach project.
Literacy Council
Holy Trinity reaches out to those in our community who struggle with literacy issues by offering tutoring space in the parish hall for the Eastern Shore Literacy Council.
In Touch Academy
Holy Trinity has collaborated with a local Baptist minister, who began a non-profit organization called In Touch Academy to provide alternative educational, social, emotional, and behavioral support to African American students in an afterschool program and summer camp. Holy Trinity members volunteer their time in the after school program and summer camp by donating food, sharing meals, mentoring students, and participating in program activities. With this ministry, Holy Trinity seeks to positively impact race relations through the relationships formed, with those in our community who can be marginalized.
Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ESCADV)
We support the ESCADV through financial donations as they were a beneficiary of one of our coffee houses.
Habitat for Humanity
Eastern Shore of Virginia Habitat for Humanity has been committed to its mission of providing safe, efficient home ownership for those citizens in substandard housing on the Eastern Shore. In March and August, the members of Holy Trinity house, feed and assist students from Boston College who visit the Shore to work with Habitat.